Quotes about encroached (6 Quotes)

    The species have gotten limited areas to live in because of changes in climate and changes of habitat over time. And all humans have encroached upon it further. It's important to maintain that diversity of species.

    The progress of this famous plant has been something like the progress of truth suspected at first, though very palatable to those who had courage to taste it resisted as it encroached abused as its popularity seemed to spread and establishing its

    We're convinced it's not a human-induced condition but a natural condition brought on by wetlands and ground water. We'll recommend a re-classification of that stretch of the river so that it won't be encroached upon by human activity. It could not support a wastewater treatment plant, for example.

    I think that it can provide a space away from the other things that I'm sure have encroached upon his life and really give him a chance to do what he does best, ... His genius is basketball, and to do that he's got to play it at the highest level.

    Software as a service is something Microsoft wanted to pretend wasn't ever going to happen. The problem they have is that customers want it. Now more and more of the Microsoft franchise is being encroached upon, and not by a bunch of pimply kids like it was in the early Internet days, but by a company with a 100 billion market cap.

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