Quotes about eradication (16 Quotes)

    That prospect is deeply troubling, because infectious illness is a genie that can be very hard to put back into its bottle. It may kill fewer people in one fell swoop than a raging flood or an extended drought, but once it takes root in a community, it often defies eradication and can invade other areas.

    This campaign is extremely important, both for Iraq and the global eradication effort. After tremendous efforts, Iraq was declared a polio-free country, with zero cases reported in 2001. The re-emergence of even a single polio case will take Iraq back to the pre-2001 situation, which would imply that millions of dollars more would have to be invested.

    We've given consideration for all sorts of alternatives, ... and what it boils down to is pig eradication was the only answer. While that might have been a difficult decision, it was nonetheless the right decision.

    The growers feel very adamant that the eradication program needs to continue. Without this money, there was a lot of concern about the long-term success of the program.

    We have endorsed a global consensus and condemnation of terrorist acts, condolence and sympathy with the United States and a commitment to eradication of international terrorism,

    It may be that the Iraqi government provided assistance in some form to the recent attack on the United States. But even if evidence does not link Iraq directly to the attack, any strategy aiming at the eradication of terrorism and its sponsors must include a determined effort to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq. Failure to undertake such an effort will constitute an early and perhaps decisive surrender in the war on international terrorism.

    There will not be a new target for the eradication of polio. Every country in the world could stop polio by the end of 2005 save Nigeria. Basically the world, at the start of 2006, will look at who is late, and work to make that process move faster.

    Our argument is going to be that the removal of the monument is the systematic and continuing eradication of God from the public square, and from society, and replacing God with the secular humanism that has been advocated in the lawsuit brought against Chief Justice Moore,

    Instead of starting the eradication on the outskirts and forcing the rats in they bombed the garden and moved them out of the area and forced them here. I understand the pressure they were under to take care of the rats and open the school but they didn't consider anything else besides their own problem.

    We have to provide vaccinations in places where people are being killed daily in armed conflict, ... In some of the countries we're working in, there are the worst natural disasters going on -- cyclones, floods, typhoons -- and yet the eradication effort is continuing on a daily basis.

    He's a scholar and somewhat of an academic, and has studied our history and America's place in the world, in history, and believes that all the progress of the last century, or a goodly portion of it -- eradication of tyrants and communism and fascism and Hitlerism -- was a direct result of the strength of the United States of America and their willingness to use their strength for good.

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