Quotes about erickson (12 Quotes)

    I think the saddest moment in my life just happened two months ago. My old nightclub partner passed away, Phil Erickson down in Atlanta. He - I owe him everything. He put me in the business and taught me about everything I know.

    There may be a housekeeper working in dining services. We would rather invest in them and invest in their education than hire someone else. Who knows They (new hires) may not work out or fit in the Erickson culture.

    I am delighted that coach Erickson will be the head football coach at the University of Idaho. Our student-athletes deserve the opportunity to develop and play under the tutelage of a proven, seasoned and successful head coach. I was in leadership roles at Oregon State University during Dennis' renewal of the football program in Corvallis, and know first-hand of the positive impact he had on the entire fabric of the university, its alumni and supporters.

    I hope he takes it because there's nobody better for that job than Dennis Erickson. He's the one who established that program. If anyone can get it going again, it's Dennis Erickson.

    We're looking for Erickson in the middle of a game, because he could probably give you two, three or four innings. If he's in the mix, that's probably what his role would be.

    I worked so hard to make an impression (on Erickson), worked my way up and was making progress. And then coach Riley comes in and I don't have any game tape, except for what I did on special teams. I was back to where I started and the first spring was really rough, I didn't get many opportunities to prove myself.

    I've said many times I felt the linebacker corps was in the top 25 percent in the league, thought the young players we assembled were certainly capable of winning.... I think Coach Erickson had a lot of bad luck a lot of bad things happen.

    The system hasn't changed, but the emphasis has. In different ways Coach Erickson has said, Let's not be afraid to put the ball downfield, to make things happen.

    No, I did night clubs right here in Los Angeles. My partner, Phil Erickson, put me in the business, a guy from my home town, a dear friend who we just lost a couple of months ago.

    Erickson gave an address to the group gathered for the last time in Mankato that he described as very emotional. He told the group how gratifying it was to see all the young people, there to help and to learn. We were once many now we are so few, ... 'Old soldiers never die they just fade away.' I declare this unit disbanded.

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