Quotes about ernst (12 Quotes)

    We are delighted to be recognized by Training Magazine as one of the top ten companies on the Training 100 list for a fifth straight year. The global Ernst Young organization is committed to a culture of putting our people first. Part of this commitment is providing our professionals with continual training and learning opportunities that help them develop and grow, leading to increased fulfillment in their work and the highest quality service to our clients.

    The 2000 audit made it apparent that ... management had not implemented any of the 1996 Ernst and Young recommendations, ... Nevertheless, information was dropped from the final 2000 report, with no mention of the 1996 audit.

    I'm going to get more damages in the Guerra case than they did in the Ernst case, ... I want Merck to see that Ernst was a conservative verdict. I'm going to spank them hard.

    The jury awarded plaintiff Carol Ernst 243 million, though Texas law prevents her from collecting damages that high. When the dust settles there will be 26.3 million at 10 percent interest annually, ... I'm not sure Ms. Ernst will see any of that for the next five years.

    Reports also suggest that Ernst and Young and other large tax preparation firms are sending tax returns overseas for processing. But the IRS has no control over tax information once it's been sent to India or another country.

    The Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Awards are all about finding business people who stand out in their field. We had a fantastic group of finalists this year but in the end, George's skills and entrepreneurial qualities made him a stand out winner to the judges.

    During the past 20 years, the program's long line of prominent award recipients represents American ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit. Ernst Young is proud to recognize some of the nation's finest business thinkers for their remarkable leadership and successful accomplishments.

    Ernst Young truly understands that effectively managing global enterprise performance through learning is the key to competing in today's global markets. To be named among the very best of world-class training companies for the fifth year in a row is an honor. We congratulate Ernst Young LLP and the many other organizations that have been recognized as training leaders.

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