Quotes about escalates (6 Quotes)

    There was no use of the proper instruments of so-called riot control, ... This was premeditated murder of people shot by snipers. That escalates the situation to a very dangerous situation.

    We have six or seven major hot spots in the world, any one of which has potential to shut off an amount of oil greater than the world's spare capacity. This is a problem that if it continues and escalates, we're going to see a real significant increase in prices.

    They do little annoying things just to get the attention of the opposite sex, which escalates into something else, ... But having them separated, you do away with that.

    Socially it's a big thing but I don't think this will affect the stock market at the moment. If it escalates further it might but it would have to be a massive escalation for it to really hurt the market.

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