Quotes about estrada (12 Quotes)

    Philippine President Joseph Estrada said he was saddened by the conviction. It's very unfortunate and what happened is saddening, ... If he really is innocent, then the day will come that his name will be cleared.

    Everything went well. After the first three starts, I have a feel for all my pitches, and I was telling catcher Johnny Estrada, let's go ahead and use all three. Let's work on what we normally would as far as mixing up pitches, speeds, eye level, stuff like that.

    I think Jordan will score a lot more goals for us this season. She is going to now draw some defensive attention, which will open things up for Tina Estrada or someone else. Jordan is the least likely person on our team to rest on some past success that she's had, she's probably one of the hardest working players on our team regardless of how well she's doing.

    Mr (Joseph) Estrada is complaining of fever and night chills and the preliminary diagnosis of the doctor is that he has an acute bronchitis. He's also been complaining of pain in his joints and legs.

    Many folks, including me, frankly, were disappointed that Senator Landrieu a few years ago filibustered and supported that filibuster of Miguel Estrada ... after she had expressed strong support of that very nomination in her re-election campaign,

    The fact that former President Joseph Estrada was taking the witness stand is a clear proof that due process has been strictly observed in his case. We call on all the sectors concerned to refrain from speculating as to the outcome of the trial and just let justice take its inexorable course.

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