Quotes about etrade (9 Quotes)

    This step will provide ETrade the opportunity to add additional revenue streams unrelated to volatile market conditions, distinguishing us from the relatively simple business models of many of our competitors,

    I have listened to shareowner concerns and want to dispel any doubt that my commitment to the success of this company is unwavering, ... I am eager to eliminate the distraction of the compensation discussion so that we can focus on the business of ETrade Financial.

    They had an excellent quarter overall they continued to show strength and leveragability of their brand, ... There's no doubt the industry is competitive and ETrade has emerged in a leadership role.

    It's not a revolution. It's now an evolution. Now that the category sell has happened, we want people to understand within the category that ETrade is the best place to trade.

    The purpose of trying to attract these type of investors isn't necessarily to increase commission revenue but to get control over their assets. Presumably, these active investors have significant assets. That's the real goal of ETrade.

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