Quotes about eventuality (14 Quotes)

    It will take a lot of persuasion ... that's why I am not promising a miracle at all. We should be prepared for any eventuality because these people will cling to these hostages tooth and nail, I'm sure.

    The rating agencies and stock market are sending a clear message that the company will lose money for the foreseeable future and eventually go bankrupt. Bankruptcy is a serious option either strategically or as an eventuality.

    You learn by experience, and overcoming setbacks make you stronger and means you are prepared for any eventuality. Now I am who I am, slightly batty in some ways, but in other ways fairly level-headed.

    Richard could probably play at a push, but we have some big games coming up and it would be foolish to risk him. We had signed JB for such an eventuality and he joined us for training last night.

    We do a fitness evaluation to see what your goals are. We help you to meet your goals, finding any weaknesses or problems that you may have. A loss or lack of flexibility can eventuality create other problems.

    I resigned myself to this eventuality. After all, it was the musician's name first (he's a lot older than I am, certainly, and perhaps more famous), and . . . But then I remembered. . . . Bill Wyman the Rolling Stone wasn't born Bill Wyman. . . . His real name, Stones fans know, is William George Perks.

    We're keeping our fingers on the pulse of what happens day in and day out around the world. And we are taking action in terms of preparing for this in the event it becomes an eventuality in any market.

    I am ready for any eventuality. As a disciplined soldier of the party, I have no hesitation to quit if the party high command desires. It is for the party president (Sonia Gandhi) to decide.

    Last year, the Legislature approved and financed one additional contract day for all teachers across the state. We hope they continue that and have even heard of two (additional) days. Teachers have asked for a per diem in that eventuality. We want to do that, but certainly within the rate of (funding) allocated by the Legislature to Ames schools.

    We are not going to extend the ceasefire just for the sake of extending it. We would like the Indian government to come up with a concrete solution or else we are prepared for any eventuality.

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