Quotes about fab (9 Quotes)

    Only Love Can Break Your HeartSummer, youre unwelcome in my room,leave me be, overwhelmed by grief. Drunk on whiskey from The Pharaohs Tomb Im weak as a pacifist, Im eaten alive by jealousy, only god knows why. Just like only god knows why Alan said coming out is fab and brilllike falling in love.Summer, be gone Alans gone. Family and friends are gone. Neil Young is right Only love can break your heart.My heart is unmendable. I am forever in my room, heartbroken, and nobody is there, forever spending my days killing time until time kills me.

    Perhaps only 7 to 10 percent at most of the cost of producing a wafer is labor. So there is a whole host of other factors that make a wafer fab competitive and the cost of labor is not really one of them.

    Today is about guys back in the fab shop and the cars they gave us, ... It's a brand new race car. (It's about) the adjustments Todd (Parrott) and these guys did to get me ready to make two laps today. So, my job really starts tomorrow - getting it ready for the race. I'm looking forward to that. I think we've got a good car for Sunday so it should be fun.

    For the very first time, the Fab Five rush in to help straight guys with the most important decision and event of their lives - marriage. Tying the knot has never been this much fun

    It's still early in my recruiting, so I don't have any leaders or favorites. We're trying to make that better than the old (Michigan) Fab Five.

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