Quotes about fact-finding (15 Quotes)

    There's a difference between a fact-finding trip that you do with the Aspen Institute and these trips funded by lobbyists and corporations where you do an hour of work and then play golf at St. Andrews all day.

    Frankly, it was never practicable for the AG's office to receive a vast sum of money and then try to disperse that money to individual investors, ... Those individual investors will have to go through some sort of fact-finding process to demonstrate who relied on who and is owed how much.

    Once they get through the traditional fact-finding period, it is after that point that they would have public hearings into the matter. They will go through the normal course of their investigation, which is the fact-finding period.

    Perhaps they thought I was on a fact-finding mission, never for one moment thinking that a man of my age and build could be suffering from bulimia nervosa, but that's what the consultant said I had.

    Fact-finding on the spot has to include interviews with detainees. What's the sense of going to a detention facility and doing fact-finding when you can't speak to the detainees It's just nonsense.

    If violence is reduced, and the fact-finding American-led committee goes to work, ... we are ready to go (to the United States) and help put an end to violence.

    The passion level was really high coming from the people in the room he commented on the passion. So if you take this as a fact-finding mission ... he heard us. That can only be good.

    The IIC wants cartoon villains, not the truth. Mr. Sevan has now reached a point in his dealings with the IIC where he questions the Committee's commitment to objective and evenhanded fact-finding and doubts he can receive a fair hearing in this forum.

    I think it's fact-finding at its best. We're able to show them essentially a model of what we're going to build in New Mexico. They can see how it's operated. They can see the way the material is handled. They can talk to employees. They can talk to people in the community.

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