Quotes about factored (16 Quotes)

    Increases in health and liability insurance costs, utility expenses, and garbage hauling fees were factored, ... Our entire nation faces increased fuel costs, which will remain uncertain. We will take strong measures to harness these costs through a thorough review of cost efficiency in every department and every division.

    Brett's never been a model for footwork, and those things and that injury kind of slowed him down where his feet were more under control and it factored into all that.

    There hasn't been a big reaction to Bush because it's fairly well factored in. The market will likely show some reaction to actual military action, but on balance it's priced in.

    There's relief around the industry that the final 3G auction is over, ... The next sale of licenses is in France next year and that has been factored into company spending because it's a fixed-fee beauty contest.

    The Illinois housing market continues to be a solid driver of the state's economy and, in 2006, REALTORS(r) anticipate strong demand for homeownership and favorable price appreciation. Home sales in Illinois tend to follow a seasonal trend with the strongest months being April through September, so it's no surprise that fourth-quarter activity over the holiday months was slower than previous periods. For the quarter, rates inched up above six percent and this combined with mild job and economic growth factored in as well to homebuyer decisions.

    We factored in the possibility of something like this happening. This news is manageable and does not alter our fundamental belief in Guidant's long-term potential, which is significant and very much intact.

    The markets took a rest Friday after a pretty busy week. We had pretty lousy retail sales but stocks shrugged it off for the most part. The market has factored in another rate cut next week. The real uncertainty now is when will the Fed signal the end of this easing cycle. We think that could be around the corner.

    People tend to talk about the 3-4 and 4-3 like it's two totally different entities, and it's not, ... A defense is a defense, no matter if this guy has that gap and that guy has this gap. Somebody's an end, and somebody's a linebacker, regardless who you put in there. I'll be dropping and rushing, whether we're in a 3-4 defense or a 4-3. That's one thing that factored in my decision to come here. I'm going to get the opportunity to rush the passer, because that's what I love to do.

    This has been hinted at before, but it's a big shift for them to be saying that publicly, ... It means they recognize that there is a cost to staying just as there is a benefit to staying. And this has not really been factored in as a central part of the strategy before.

    The market has factored in a lot of damage beforehand, in anticipation that this storm will equal or exceed the damage caused by Ivan. Prices may fall as reports come in.

    Although the company is executing in terms of cost control, we think margin contractions at the gross margin level will continue through the second quarter as well, which we had not factored in.

    Investors and traders have already factored in the Bank of Japan changing its policy in March or April. If the central bank doesn't take action by then, it would risk spooking financial markets.

    Doug didn't put points up immediately when he came. He played fine. He didn't play at the level he was capable of, but he factored in some games. He scored a shootout goal to help us win in Boston. But now in the last four games, he's back to the level of player he was in St. Louis. Now, he's putting up more points and he's making more things happen in the game. Clearly, there was an adjustment period, but he's pretty much through it.

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