Quotes about ferrer (16 Quotes)

    Using 'it could be great' hits the so-what problem, because it doesn't convey a sense of urgency for voters to do anything. There's no emotional potency. But that's the story of the Ferrer campaign.

    Ferrer campaign aides denied that the party organization, if not its brightest lights, deserted the campaign, as some have asserted. If that happened, we certainly didn't feel it, ... We felt a lot of energy. People make assumptions about party, but a mayor's race is different. It's above party. It's about personality.

    I don't want a runoff. It's just more of our money being wasted because Bloomberg's going to win anyway. My vote (for Ferrer) is not because I have a passion for him.

    The story was made into a marvelous movie of the same name starring Stewart Granger, Mel Ferrer and Janet Leigh. In some ways it's a comedy. In some ways it's a drama.

    But Ferrer finance chairman Leo Hindery insisted that high rollers affiliated with Weiner, Gifford Miller and C. Virginia Fields were stepping up for the presumed Democratic nominee. There will always be people who were so closely aligned to other candidates that they're exhausted, ... We're finding, in general, that the reaction has been very positive.

    So wealth doesn't bother Fernando Ferrer. What bothers him is that his ambitions are being thwarted by Mayor Bloomberg's record, ... And unlike John Kerry and unlike some of Ferrer's other rich supporters, Mayor Bloomberg earned his money. He wasn't born with it.

    He's not stupid. He is working hard in the black and Hispanic communities, and I have to believe that in the black community, at least among the professional black politicians, they are not absolutely enthusiastic about Ferrer.

    Watch Freddy Ferrer and remember this election it's not only going to be an election for our city, it's going to be a signal for what happens in the Senate, in the House of Representatives, and it's going to be a signal for change in the country,

    Fernando Ferrer, the former Bronx borough president, appeared at several black churches yesterday morning and issued a statement calling the Bush administration's response shocking, inadequate and indefensible. ... we have a president and a federal government that have abandoned our cities.

    It makes our country better and stronger when we lift up and empower those who are struggling every single day, ... Nobody understands that better than Freddy Ferrer, right He has lived it his entire life.

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