Quotes about festive (16 Quotes)

    If people do decide to stay at home from work, we invite them to stay at home and stay at home with their families. It's not a festive day. It's a day of silence and of abstinence.

    I think it's more festive and I think it's more of a celebration that winter's over. Baseball season's here, which means summer's here and it's going to warm up. It's more than just a baseball game, I think, in Detroit, more than any other city I've been in. It's like a celebration that the freezing weather's out of the way for the most part.

    There are two re-entries fooling users this month. The Elf Bowling hoax, which has made a festive re-appearance, warns users that the game is infected with a virus and should be deleted immediately upon receipt. This hoax is essentially harmless, but serves as a reminder to companies that they should explain to employees the danger of distributing executable files. The game, while not a malicious threat, can divert employees from doing real work.

    Openings are about getting reacquainted. We're all glad to be back, playing music with each other again. The audience will be in a festive mood Wednesday.

    Retailers have been pinning their hopes on Christmas bringing some festive cheer after months of depressed trading, and these figures are better than expected. They reflect the efforts made to entice customers back into shops, but the question is at what cost as prices are so heavily discounted.

    It's against the rule of Islam, against the rule of religion, against the rule of any humanitarian attitude to spoil the festive day for the Iraqis in such a bloody action. This will make the situation worse. I call on the American people to urge their government to find a civilized attitude. I don't think this fits with the reputation that the Americans have.

    Our thoughts fly therefore by themselves in this festive hour of our plant community, to the man whom we thank for the ressurection of our Nation: Adolf Hitler, the patron of German labour and German art.

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