Quotes about file-sharing (8 Quotes)

    Rather than demanding that 60 million people sharing music files turn themselves in with a so-called 'amnesty' program, the recording industry should take this opportunity to make file-sharing legal in exchange for a reasonable fee.

    We're trying to send a strong message that you are not anonymous when you participate in peer-to-peer file-sharing and that the illegal distribution of copyrighted music has consequences, ... And as this case illustrates, parents need to be aware of what their children are doing on their computers.

    Undoubtedly, we still have a major challenge on our hands as far too many students are still getting their music for free. The general notion is that the more logical alternatives there are for college students, the better, but we still have yet to see how a legal file-sharing service fits into the larger market.

    The big news already broke. The file-sharing and all that stuff, it's a done deal. And I think figuring out how to make that a fair exchange for the people that make music is still an issue.

    The offering essentially is a juiced-up Oracle database that also happens to run e-mail, voicemail, calendar and file-sharing functions. The suites always win, ... The specialty guys can never survive for long.

    Despite the uncontested praise for the high court's decision, it soon became clear that associations between P2P technology and illicit file-sharing activity were still being drawn With this ruling, the Supreme Court has set an important message that the law does not allow companies to induce others to steal, ... Given that millions of Americans have downloaded or swapped files using peer-to-peer technology, the Department of Justice observed that it appears many people have come to view piracy over peer-to-peer networks as different, and less objectionable, compared to stealing a physical copy of a CD or DVD from the store. By holding companies that promote copyright infringement by clear expression, or other affirmative steps taken to foster infringement, the Supreme Court has made it very clear that stealing is unacceptable.

    This is a significant escalation in our worldwide campaign against illegal file-sharing. People who file-share illegally often claim to be music fans but in fact they are hurting investment in music, breaking the law and risking financial penalties by their actions. There have now been so many campaigns to educate people that file-sharing is wrong and illegal that there is simply no excuse for people to continue.

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