Quotes about fine-tune (15 Quotes)

    Obviously leading up to the U.S. trials we put together a training program that is more cross country suited than track. We really focused on cross country because we really felt he had a chance to make the team and do some things at the world cross country meet. Since then we've been able to fine-tune things just a little bit. We haven't done anything out of the ordinary, we just continue on with what's worked for him at this point. We had two really good weeks of training, so he's ready to go.

    In the tournament, most teams aren't going to be playing 75-, 80-point games. The games are slower, more conservative and we need to work on our man-to-man defense. We're capable of playing it, but we've got to fine-tune.

    I'm really curious to see first the 10 days of previews, and the chemistry of the stage and the audience. Do they embrace the story and the actors and all the special effects I want to see how they respond to the totality. If it doesn't work, we will tweak and fine-tune and address moments of weakness. If anything, that's the area we will be in.

    You come in fresh and rested. The burden and pressure aren't there -- yet. It's a new city and you're excited. You've got a few days to correct whatever ails you or fine-tune whatever you are doing right.

    I still see lots of things we can fine-tune. I think we're slowly but surely getting a little bit tighter and executing better. It sounds funny, when you're 11-and-0, but we've played some bad stretches of basketball and still been able to overcome that. Our goal is to eliminate that and become more consistent.

    We have demonstrated that vision can be used in an online fashion to fine-tune foot placement during a step. It was previously thought that vision was used to plan the step in advance but not necessarily monitor its ongoing progress.

    The fun thing is now you can really fine-tune on one team, ... Instead of throwing the whole playbook at people and saying, 'Here, learn all this,' you get specific now, you get to watch film, get to attack what you think the Giants are going to do.

    We have had a few key errors that have allowed the other teams to score runs. We have only been outside for four games (before last Wednesday) ... so I have to believe that with more time playing on a dirt field that we will fine-tune the defense and we w

    Frankly, that's one thing that may have changed. We've had the luxury of being able to fine-tune some things that might have been rolled out earlier with a primary.

    Having just approved the 2006 annual operating plan, I and the other directors believe the company is essentially on the right course for long-term growth, and that our employees and senior management team have a sense of urgency about improving the company's financial results. However, we will take this opportunity to re-examine the strategic direction of Gateway to fine-tune our products, services and approach to our professional and consumer direct markets.

    The overseas markets are more regulated and Chinese companies can benefit and learn to fine-tune corporate structure and governance. So listing overseas first and then coming back to list will also benefit the domestic stock market.

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