Quotes about fixed-income (16 Quotes)

    In fixed-income sales and trading, we did not repeat third quarter's record but 1.6 billion in revenues. But it was a record fourth-quarter total, about 70 above our average fourth-quarter results over the past two years.

    Pausing amidst robust data contradicts earlier statements that they are data dependent. If you were someone who was looking for the Fed to protect your fixed-income investment, if they pause and they're wrong, inflation pressures can build in that period.

    This movement in the bond market is amazing, truly unprecedented. People are starting to sell fixed-income and put that money into stocks. Equity is starting to look like this undervalued dark horse worth betting on.

    We're at an inflection point where the fixed-income markets aren't going to give you the tailwinds you've had in the past. The fixed-income markets have been on an incredible bull run but over a three- to five-year horizon what you've seen is going to rev

    Geopolitics ought to be something in the forefront of everyone's minds. The developments in Iran and the sort of related energy issues with Iraq, Venezuela and Nigeria are all areas that need to be paid attention to very closely, with the tone of current events impacting the crude market, which is likely to impact both fixed-income and equity markets.

    Many investors have become a lot more sophisticated with their asset allocations. They're not just looking at fixed-income alone. They're looking to put a portion of their assets in high-yield mutual funds.

    When you compare our fixed-income business with some of our competitors, there are some gaps. We do see opportunities to invest into people, in some instances into risk.

    The lesson of the last half decade is the need to manage risk. In my judgment, the investing public is a lot more amenable to owning fixed-income securities now than at any time in the last 15 or 20 years.

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