Quotes about flick (16 Quotes)

    You have to communicate on a much greater scale, ... With a camera, you can use the flick of an eye. On stage, a lot of other things are happening that can pull focus or energy. You're always thinking the same way, but you have to amplify your thoughts with the volume of your speech and the ways you use your whole body to communicate what you're feeling. It's a little bit different from film.

    On most given nights, with a flick of a remote-control device, the living rooms of average American families can be treated to a melange of foul-mouthed brats uttering language for which any stranger entering those same living rooms and uttering that same language would probably be immediately thrown out bodily, and the use of which in any polite company would earn its user a reputation as a boor and a lout.

    Mr. Shaw drove his team gingerly across the new bridge, ... Once across, he quickly found a spot to turn around, then with a slap of the reins and a flick of the whip he sent the team back across at full trot while the passengers cheered loudly expressing their hearty approval.

    I don't want to make excuses in the media, but I felt like the guy tapped my elbow. I just tried to flick it up toward the rim to get a foul called but the ref was behind me and didn't see it that good.

    And the words Some groups respond to success by writing deadening songs about the awful pain that comes with sudden wealth, andor the fascinating experience of doing soundchecks, making fleeting visits to famous American cities, and meeting limo drivers. For conclusive proof of the awful results of such an approach, I would suggest a quick flick through the Stereophonics' third album, Just Enough Education to Perform, which stands as one of the most jawdroppingly bad records ever made. It features a miserable chronicle of the rock life entitled Nice to Be Out, which peaks with a pre-gig bit of sightseeing in Dallas. We stood where Oswald took his shot, ... In my opinion, there's a bigger plot.

    And rounding out the flick were newcomer Thomas Jane, who plays Diaz's love interest, and former teen heartthrob Jason Bateman as his smarmy loser brother. Working with three of Hollywood's top actresses was horrible, ... Maybe if they'd just shown up sober, it would've been OK. They were drunk on the set, on the way to the set, always.

    Nobody can fully understand the meaning of love unless hes owned a dog. He can show you more honest affection with a flick of his tail than a man can gather through a lifetime of handshakes.

    In my house there's this light switch that doesn't do anything. Every so often I would flick it on and off just to check. Yesterday, I got a call from a woman in Germany. She said, 'Cut it out'

    I was familiar with that and 'Rio Bravo.' 'Rio Bravo' was what John Carpenter did, that brilliant move of taking a western and turning it into an urban flick. And from there you got, you know, all the cop genre movies of the time.

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