Quotes about floridas (16 Quotes)

    It's no secret that Florida's West Coast is booming and likewise, the yachting business is moving at full throttle. The purchase of Florida Yacht Sales enables us to further our position as one of the country's leading yacht brokers. Ocean Yachts, Riviera and Albemarle compliment our impressive fleet of yachts.

    We want to stress that there's more downside and uncertainty ahead. But we remain optimistic that the strength of Florida's overall economy will carry us through.

    Florida's 2000 felon purge program resulted in over 50,000 legal voters being disenfranchised. When asked for assurances that the 2004 felon list was 90 percent accurate -- the minimum level local supervisors of elections requested for such a list -- we were told that it was better than the 2000 list, with no data to support its accuracy.

    The administration is trying to do through rule making what they have been unable to do through legislation, which is weaken the protections off Florida's coasts against drilling.

    Strategically this is in line with our plans to impact the patient's waiting room experience in a meaningful way, ... Our programming is engaging and easy to understand and contains health empowerment messages geared to improve the wellness and quality of life of our audience. Moreover, it accommodates Florida's multi-ethnic patient base by providing captioning in Spanish and French.

    The damage to Florida's agriculture beyond citrus is tremendous, ... This is on the order of what Katrina and New Orleans have looked at, what is being done for them. . . . Florida should be no less.

    There's always this preconceived notion that paying for sports with tax dollars is frivolous. It's the business that Florida's in, where I always like to say we're kind of the glamour business.

    Florida's all alone out here. That's something that usually gets the (U. S.) Supreme Court's attention. Sometimes you want to preempt that and change your own law before the Supreme Court steps in and you have no law.

    From the outside (people) probably think this is an upset all over again. It just happened, we're not a good team, we just came in and played good basketball, it wasn't Florida's night. People will say we won two games over them, but if we played them again it wouldn't be like that.

    To assume we're going to have our head over a barrel and be forced to accept some sort of compromise bill is not the position we find ourselves in right now. The moratorium remains in effect. There is nothing new the only thing new is this tendency to provide an alternate plan to one that wants to drill closer to Florida's shores.

    The insurance and health-care industries are in business to make money. They obviously thought it might be beneficial to them to give to the party with all the changes taking place. Apparently Florida's ... Medicaid recipients didn't get their contributions in on time.

    We came into the game feeling very good about ourselves and of our chances. For some reason, we were never able to establish our rhythm. Florida's ability to get second chances really hurt us. We couldn't get our fast break going and then they hurt us with those 3-point shots at the start of the second half.

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