Quotes about fluctuating (16 Quotes)

    Everything seemed normal when I did my burnout, but when I hit the line-lock button after I pre-staged, the brake pressure kept fluctuating, first going up and then slamming back down, ... I must have hit it a dozen times trying to get it to engage, and by then, Kurt had already staged, so I kept pounding on it, trying different sequences.

    The (Pending Home Sales) index has been fluctuating in a fairly narrow range over the last six months -- a very high range -- so the overall market is moving forward with a lot of momentum.

    Companies are not helpless in fluctuating currencies. But if you listen to these U.S. companies, you only hear about it when the currency situation hurts them, never when it helps them. I'll listen to these excuses when they acknowledge that this stuff cuts both ways.

    Whenever I get my chance, I have to make the most of it and prove that I deserve to be out there. Our lineup is fluctuating quite a bit, we don't really have a set starting lineup that we always use, so I have to make the most of the opportunities.

    We cannot understand why Canada would trade its winning position that should end the duties under NAFTA for a deal that imposes border measures. If press reports on the leaked proposed deal are correct, it also involves manipulating the market through government-set prices for lumber, and the fluctuating value of Canadian currency.

    The scientific community having made a rapid ascent from deep poverty to great affluence, from academe's cloisters to Washington's high councils, still tends to be a bit excitable - not unlike a nouveau riche in a fluctuating market.

    We're not dependent on just one line or grade of paper. We have a very diverse paper industry in the Fox Valley from fine paper to paper board to tissue. When there are fluctuating markets in one segment, usually the others offset any downturns.

    When we speak the word "life," it must be understood we are not referring to life as we know it from its surface of fact, but to that fragile, fluctuating center which forms never reach.

    In our forecast, we see consumer spending slowing a little bit in the fourth quarter to 3.1 percent from 3.8 percent for the same period last year, ... The rationale is that as the housing market slows , there'll be a cooling effect in the home wealth effect and the fluctuating energy prices will also have some drag on spending in the months ahead.

    It would be a great financial risk for China to buy oil at the international market for its strategic reserve program as the current global oil price has been fluctuating at a high level.

    Industrial man --a sentient reciprocating engine having a fluctuating output, coupled to an iron wheel revolving with uniform velocity. And then we wonder why this should be the golden age of revolution and mental derangement.

    Discount stores have really become an increasing portion of consumers' expenditures. Now there's talk of fluctuating energy prices, job layoffs, and people are looking for the best value possible, ... So we believe the discount stores are going to benefit disproportionately from the tax rebate. We expect Wal-Mart will be the leader in July.

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