Quotes about fluffy (16 Quotes)

    We had about 17 inches with that last big storm we had out here, but that was light, fluffy snow. This one is a lot harder (to shovel), and it's really icy underneath. It's really slippery.

    Well, I always say that the two things I was most disastrous at in my life, being a teenager and being a wife, were the two things I really wound up cashing in on when I was writing fluffy magazine pieces.

    It's funny to hear the rage that a holiday symbolized by cute little Cupids and fluffy things brings out in people. That resentment definitely makes you want to not just ignore the holiday but do something as a protest ... a statement against dinner for two and cheesy professions of love.

    I don't really understand the concept of having a career, or what agents mean when they say they're building one for you. I just do things I think will be interesting and that have integrity. I hate those tacky, pointless, big, fluffy, unimportant movies.

    I8217ve been offered a lot but I want to stay away from romance, comedies and fluffy work. I met Stephen Spielberg at a breast cancer benefit and he explained that he8217d seen me on Saturday Night Live and thought I was ready for a movie. He said, 8216You go to the ledge and are unafraid to jump off.8217 That was the biggest compliment to me because he was saying I was free.

    We airbrushed satin to make it look like chinchilla fur. We used silk and synthetic threads to imitate ermines and fluffy fabrics and then used silk chiffon and quilted it to look like sheared beaver.

    Light and fluffy snow we can handle. If it turns into this mess they're talking about, we'll have plenty to talk about this afternoon. Anything over a quarter inch of ice gets our attention.

    One of Kerry's primary tasks is to shore up his support among women, with polls showing Bush has neutralized this traditional Democratic advantage. George Bush keeps having these little fluffy events where he has women come and say that they're for George Bush, ... Why in the world a woman would vote for George Bush is completely beyond me.

    The way it's going to hit, from what we are hearing, is the best time it could happen -- a weekend, through the night. Hopefully, it will be a light, fluffy snow.

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