Quotes about follow-through (16 Quotes)

    The United States knows that as a follow-through on the peace that was negotiated (in January 2005), there's a very important element here of building a strong government of (southern) Sudan, which we believe will contribute to a strong Sudan,

    Follow-through interest in select blue chips and China-related stocks drove the benchmark index up. Funds kept chasing these stocks after the market broke through the 16,000 points level.

    In Afghanistan, the war was prosecuted exceptionally well, but the follow-through commitment to Afghanistan's security and reconstruction has, in my judgment, fallen short, ... It would be a tragedy if we removed a tyrant in Iraq only to leave chaos in his wake.

    After a couple of false starts, the past couple of months does have the feel of a more traditional recovery, driven by consumer spending and housing. The follow-through is the business response.

    The challenge for the White House is that a lot of the base has this 'fool me once shame on you, feel me twice shame on me' attitude. If the president talks about tax reform but there's no follow-through it could end up backfiring.

    It's a bit of a disappointment how we're trading today. It suggests to me that the market needs to do more backing and filling. We're not getting that type of follow-through you like to see. There just doesn't seem to be much conviction right now.

    We're going to need to see follow-through from Intel. Good news from Intel could set a tone and start to give those that were most fearful about the outlook for chip stocks less reason to be concerned.

    We're really just trying to achieve a little bit of a balance between follow-through selling after Tuesday's big drop and a little bit of bargain hunting on the other side of the ring, trying to pick a bottom here.

    Diplomacy matters. Burden-sharing matters. Follow-through matters. And yes, sustaining the peace is harder, more complex and often costlier than winning the war itself. No matter the surge of momentary machismo -- as gratifying as it may be for some -- it's short-sighted and wrong to simply go it alone.

    After we did some initial investigation here, we were able to file a civil lawsuit and through the issuance of subpoenas learn quite a bit about who was responsible, and then transmitted all of this information to the FBI for pursuit and follow-through. I think that the guilty plea is evidence of the strength of the government's case against Mr. Harris and demonstrates the government's commitment to aggressively pursue these cases.

    It's our understanding that President Chen did not abolish it, and he reaffirmed Taiwan's commitment to the status quo. We attach great importance to that commitment, and we'll be following his follow-through carefully.

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