Quotes about font (9 Quotes)

    Microsoft has learned of a mistake in the Bookshelf Symbol 7 font ... we failed to identify, prior to the release, the presence of two swastikas within the font. We apologize for this and for any offense caused.

    Imagination helps me to become part of that journey that I'm going through in font of the camera, or in front of an audience. I used to think you had to disappear within a character, but I find that puts a mask on what I do.

    It's the scene in the book that probably gets the most attention, ... The biggest problem is that she is yelling, and in the book it's in big font. This is what happens all the time They read the language and don't read the context. It's meant to let you know how awful her life is.

    You know, I think that allowing somebody, one mere person to believe that he or she is like, the vessel you know, like the font and the essence and the source of all divine, creative, unknowable, eternal mystery is just a smidge too much responsibility to put on one fragile, human psyche. It's like asking somebody to swallow the sun.

    Advanced face-recognition systems will have other applications as well. For example, an always-on video camera may be used to scan your face every time you sit down to type. If an unauthorized person tries to use your system, your keyboard will lock up. Or recognition systems may further customize your PC experience. Your display could adjust the font size depending on where you are in the room, ... It could recognize the faces of various members of your family, and give customized information at a glance.

    What seemed so original and unique and precious about what we were doing... That's a little rough, when you see the guy in a new show cast exactly as your character. As font coloryellowWilliam Petersen said, if it were just about the science, 30 million people would be tuning in to the Discovery Channel.

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