Quotes about foolhardy (14 Quotes)

    I expected to be shot at any moment and if they had done I would have understood, that they couldn't take risks with someone foolhardy or so unpredictable.

    and we have serious concerns about any reckless and foolhardy effort that may irreparably damage the ability of the state of Ohio to successfully prosecute the person or persons involved in the death of Craig Roberts.

    Oil, jobs, housing prices, unfunded pensions and geopolitical events that could go any number of ways will have an effect in 2006. At this point it's foolhardy to forecast. Any one of those things could send shivers up the spine of consumers.

    The people that were watching us for 10 years telling us why it wouldn't work and they wouldn't invest in it and thought that that was the wrong way to compete were a little foolhardy.

    Why is the public becoming an investor in luxury condos and a luxury hotel That defies logic. We don't need more hotels and more office space in a market that's over-saturated with hotel rooms and office space. For taxpayers to be subsidizing this is foolhardy.

    The trial has demonstrated just how weak the case against the Libyans is, and always has, been. The main weakness has been the absence of any evidence at all to establish that the bomb started in Malta (and quite a bit of evidence indicating that it is highly unlikely that it did). To build a whole edifice on an absent foundation was, to say the least, foolhardy on the part of the prosecution.

    Texas officials said the evacuation, however difficult, had resulted in moving between 2.5 million and 3.5 million people out of the direct path of the hurricane. Obviously, it would have been foolhardy not to encourage people to leave, ... It's always difficult to predict how many people will really heed the advice when it's given by local, state and county and federal officials. The good news is people did heed the advice.

    It's just like the automotive industry. With the knowledge that more women are buying cars than men, a car salesman would be foolhardy to show a woman a vanity mirror before he talks about price and performance. Women are savvy consumers, and we're talking with them about U-value and energy efficiency, much more often than color options or how easy our windows are to clean.

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