Quotes about foote (11 Quotes)

    He's as tough as they come. All I know he may be the best conditioned athlete in the league, and that's a pretty good start. There's not a team in the NHL that wouldn't like to have Adam Foote, I can tell you that.

    There's a lot of new players, but they brought a lot of skills and a lot of leadership with them. Obviously, losing Peter (Forsberg) and Adam (Foote) is going to affect your team, and some of the other guys are going to have to step up. But the management made the decisions for the better of the team, and hopefully we can be a better team. I like our team speed, from what I saw today.

    I've got a funny feeling that if Detroit could spend 80 million this year and the Rangers could spend 80 million and Colorado could spend 80 million, I probably wouldn't have him Foote here today.

    Foote is a very interesting kid. His idea of fun on a Saturday is digging a ditch, cutting down trees and splitting wood. He's a quiet kid, but we have to be careful with him at practice because he'll hurt himself with his conditioning. He's a team leader.

    Did young Pocahontas really intercede to prevent the execution of Captain John Smith This romantic tale is conspicuously absent from Smith's initial accounts of his captivity under Powhatan 'Arriving at Werawocomoco, their Emperour Powhatan proudly lying uppon a Bedstead a foote high upon tenne or twelve Mattes... and with such grave and majesticall countenance, as drave me into admiration to see such a state in a naked salvage, he kindly welcomed me with good wordes, and great Platters of sundrie victuals, assuring me his friendship, and my libertie within foure days... In describing to him the territories of Europe, which was subject to our Great King whose subject I was, the innumerabl e multitude of his ships, I gave him to understand the noyse of Trumpets, and terrible manner of fighting were under captain Newport my father... At his greatnesse hee admired, and not a little feared... And thus having with all the kindnes hee could devise, sought to content me he sent me home...'

    Rick Nash is a great player and Adam Foote will help. They're counting on Bryan Berard to put up some offensive numbers and play a lot of minutes and I don't think he can do it. Plus, they're just not deep enough.

    This is definitely a big step. I knew our team was going to get better this year, with or without Adam Foote. Now, with the free-agent market, we get a guy like Adam. He will push our players to be better and they're going to compete hard every night.

    It was tougher seeing Foote and Pete go because I was with them for so long, ... I've had a lot of friends in Quebec and a lot of friends here (in Colorado) that got traded away or retired. That's just the nature of sports.

    The point of the deal is similar to our signing of Adam Foote. We have a lot of young players, a lot of young kids with a lot of talent. We're adding a three-time Stanley Cup champion, a Hart winner, who still has a tremendous skill level and is excited to play. He'll be a terrific addition.

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