Quotes about forecasted (15 Quotes)

    The tournament returns to the same venue this morning for the 2005 state tournament, but this time the elements are forecasted to be more conducive to scoring. The weather is supposed to be great, ... They say its going to be the nicest day of the week.

    There will be no changes to fishing seasons in the lower tributaries from last year. There will be in-season monitoring of the runs to make sure the seasons are as forecasted.

    Iraq's economy is forecasted to grow at a rate of 4 percent this year, and accelerate into the double digits next year. Per capita income is nearly double what it was two years ago.

    We've never forecasted earnings per share or profitability. We forecast a group of factors related to business fundamentals -- top-line revenue in a range, a range of gross margin, a range of expenses. Taking a long-term approach has worked for us.

    We do not believe that September was the bottom, but December or March may be. We recognize that carrier capital spending is forecasted to decline, but given our discussions with customers regarding their plans for new product launches and continued inventory reductions, we believe that December or March can represent the low point of the industry downturn.

    Bill Henderson is about the only person on the planet who looks at our volume of mail as a trickle. We'll look for him to extend our current competitive advantages in this area, particularly as our mail volume increases with our forecasted growth to at least 5.65 million subscribers this year and 20 million by 2010-2012.

    Rounds of golf drive everything in this business. We've had some 17 Mile Drive traffic that has helped with the numbers, but what was forecasted for March we did not come close to doing.

    While we have seen an increase today versus a forecasted decline, housing starts are currently doing on a trend basis what many have forecasted remaining on a high plateau, unable to move higher but not seeing demand fall off enough to take starts lower.

    We have been working with customers for over 10 years implementing automated supply chain management techniques. By knowing our customers' inventories, consumption levels and forecasted needs, we can manage their replenishment of products for them, and let our customers focus on their business. It's convenient and the benefits to customers include significantly lower operational expenditures as well as increased service levels.

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