Quotes about forwarded (8 Quotes)

    We would ask the Interpol head office in Lyon, France to issue a red alert notice on Zhang Du. Once the notice is issued, it would circulate among the 186 Interpol offices. When he is found in their jurisdiction, and if allowed by their laws, they could arrest him or an information would be forwarded to the requesting party as to his presence thereat,

    But that relaxed version forwarded to the Title IV Subgroup still adds costs to state solvency regulation that aren't needed, based on the insolvency record of mutual insurers.

    Chain letters like this are too easily forwarded to friends, family and colleagues without people using their common sense. Stories like this become urban legends, constantly being repeated without anyone bothering to check the facts. Hoaxes and chain letters like this are not harmless - they waste time and bandwidth, and can be a genuine headache for support departments. Users need to be more skeptical, and ask themselves whether everything they are told by email can be believed.

    As city attorney, my client is the city of Monticello. The actual conflict of interest would not have arisen until the city determined to pursue action against Mr. Donaldson. Once I disclosed the potential conflict in my memorandum dated Dec. 13, the only other action I took was at the instruction of the City Council to prepare the request for an opinion from the Municipal League. Once I received Mr. Rodgers letter informing me of his disagreement with the way I framed my questions I forwarded his letter to the Municipal League.

    A new chain letter has entered the charts claiming that the MSN will be closed down unless the bogus email is forwarded to family, friends and colleagues. As always, these chain letters are best deleted as they waste bandwidth.

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