Quotes about foursome (9 Quotes)

    Contrascam, Olliegate, president-bashing, Iranamok-place any person or group in Column A, and the drearisome foursome in Column B. Then generate headlines to your heart's content.

    As nice a person as he may be, being a foursome partner for John Daly must be the world's worst nightmare. It could send you into a lunatic asylum. Here we are, John, we're 3 up with five to play. This 310-yard hole with out-of-bounds on the left, lake on the right and it's your honor. Just pop it up there. 'Why, no, I can drive the green'

    When you win a championship, it solidifies everything. People never talk about the Purple People Eaters of Minnesota, or the Fearsome Foursome of the Los Angeles Rams in the same light as the Steel Curtain of Pittsburgh or the Doomsday Defense of the Cowboys. Right now we're in the same class. We won a championship, and we play lights-out defense.

    It's great to have John back. He has brought so much to this event over the past few years. He is always a popular addition to the foursome.

    Boy, did I look closely into Michael's shot. Because no one saw it go in, I had to talk to people in his foursome as well as the group ahead of him, which included the course's groundskeeper. The groundskeeper said he never saw the ball go in but did say there was no one around who could have dropped it in.

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