Quotes about freddys (7 Quotes)

    We're encouraged by the news today that Freddy's injury is indeed minor. He has already begun the rehabilitation process and we look forward to having him back in uniform in a matter of weeks.

    Garcia's ear problems began in 2002, when he ruptured one eardrum by sneezing as the Mariners' plane was landing on a road trip to Texas. The other eardrum burst on the return flight. Garcia finished out the year and elected not to have off-season surgery. During his up-and-down performance last season, however, Garcia sometimes wore earplugs when he pitched to help with his equilibrium. He'll say it didn't affect him, ... but I know there were times he was struggling with his ears. It only takes a small thing to make the difference between winning and losing at this level, and I don't think there's any question that some of Freddy's problems were physical.

    With Castillo out, Freddy's shown he's more valuable as an everyday player than part-time. Besides playing well at second and short, he's played excellent third base. It's like having two shortstops on the left side.

    Freddy's clearly having a good week, whereas a lot of people around town are asking, 'So what is the mayor's game plan for winning another four years of Republican rule in City Hall' ... We've yet to see it.

    Freddy is someone who needs to be carefully developed physically and competitively, ... He's playing with grown men, guys who are not going to care that Freddy's perceived as the great hope for the sport in this country. They're going to do everything they can to make sure he has a rough time.

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