Quotes about full-fledged (16 Quotes)

    The online console gaming market is set to take off, as the new generation of consoles arrives with advanced networking and online gaming capabilities. The ability to download game demos, buy casual as well as full-fledged console games, and access advanced content, including HD video, will result in 'online' becoming the key technology component of gaming for this and subsequent console generations.

    If any kind of agreement is reached over basic principles, the OSCE is ready to make essential contribution in realizing that agreement. More work has to be done to turn the future document into a final, full-fledged peace agreement.

    Toronto was the team that we had to contend with all the time, and Oakland. Those were the two teams that we had to battle all the time. Once I went to New York and we started winning, then the rivalry started to come back just a little bit. And then once I left New York, it's full-fledged now. It's a rip-roaring force fire right.

    A whole community starts on that road to fully realizing its own American citizenship or its rights as full-fledged Americans. In that sense they really are the catalysts for the (Latino) civil rights movement.

    Taking a long-term view, we fully expect China's eventual emergence as a full-fledged RD hub in any global network. Capabilities in chemistry and clinical research are already well established with great potential for rapid growth in biology and preclinical development.

    We were developing it into a full-fledged show for MTV and needed to figure out how to make a half-hour animated cartoon. I was able to use my experience as a production manager, learn something new about animation, and move into the creative side of the business from that.

    I'm happy to report that my colleagues are finally starting to come around on this issue. ... I think they're finally starting to realize that we're in the middle of a full-fledged natural gas crisis in this country.

    Nothing great or enduring, especially in music, has ever sprung full-fledged and unprecedented from the brain of any master the best he gives to the world he gathers from the hearts of the people, and runs it through the alembic of his genius.

    Microsoft has entered as a full-fledged competitor. The (Windows Live) search product looks to be more advanced by a generation, and we're going to have a leapfrog competition as the two firms try to out do each other.

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