Quotes about fullerton (14 Quotes)

    I'm in shock. I'm in awe. These guys I've been honored to coach have kept surprising me and surprising me and surprising me. This is the greatest turnaround in Cal State Fullerton history.

    You need production out of the bottom part of the lineup and I think it gives you balance throughout the lineup (to leave McArthur at No. 8). Thats been the story of our offense over the years. At Cal State Fullerton, we like to set it up so theres not an out in the lineup.

    We have to get better pitching performances. When you face a team like Fullerton, you know their Friday night guy is going to be there for six or seven innings.

    The last two games, we played some good teams - Fullerton and Pacific. The players and coaches know that we can play a lot better than what we have been. For the rest of the season, we feel and we hope we'll be a lot better than we have been the past two weekends.

    We had no business even being in the games with Cal State Fullerton or San Diego State. Our kids just did a great job of competing, fighting and not quitting under tough circumstances.

    Fullerton really played well and I have to give them a lot of credit. They were well-organized and put a lot of pressure on us. It took a total team effort on our part to close out the win.

    I don't think I've understood how much it means yet. We've had maybe 14 people who have done it (at Fullerton). If it's a really big deal, I really don't understand how big of a deal it is.

    Fullerton is just like us, in that their first area of concentration is pitching and defense. I think they are an Omaha team. I don't think there is any question about it.

    We definitely learned from the Fullerton game. We wanted to make sure that with the lead we stayed aggressive. More than anything, stay aggressive on defense and not let up because the game's not over until the clock runs down.

    It's a challenge, but this team doesn't back down from challenges. It's a great college atmosphere. It's a tough place to play, but that's part of what we teach early in the season. The reason we went to Fullerton was to put ourselves in that kind of situation.

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