Quotes about fulton (15 Quotes)

    But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.

    I thought Southern Fulton never quit they really battled. That was a credit to their kids. You don't win 23 games and not be competitive and not have a lot of heart.

    This (project) is good for the Fulton and the Oswego County community and its good for the region, and its certainly good news for all the some 300 million Americans who today are more likely than not at some point drive their automobiles,

    Many years ago, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen wrote a theological book in which he capitalized the word Hell. His editor corrected it by putting in a small h. ... Because it's a real place

    Fulton has a nice JV team this year with good size. We came out a little flat, picking up the intensity during the last few minutes of the game but not being able to make up the deficit.

    We're having a change in administration (at Olive Branch), so I thought it's probably better for me to move on. Second, Fulton created a situation where I just couldn't say no. They are making a huge commitment to the program.

    We would like to remind the people of Fulton County to support their local merchants when they do their shopping. Without these fine people the Food Pantry Jam could not have been the success it has been for the last 20 years.

    Within a few weeks of offering the homes in Cary we sold all the lots we could sell in the grand opening phase. This initial response from consumers shows that KB Home builds what people want to buy. We are changing the way homes are bought and sold in America and we firmly believe this momentum will continue into South Fulton County.

    Fulton made a decent comeback in the fourth quarter, but our guys calmed down and played good basketball over the last three minutes. We really played unselfish basketball and this was another great team effort.

    Having lived with the agreement for eight years I learned a lot about it that needed to be changed. The lack of accounting was one big concern. There were several areas, which would have allowed Fulton County if they wished to take advantage of the system,

    We weren't ready to play at the start. I've got to give a lot of credit to North Fulton. They're an outstanding ball club and they're well-coached. They're a good basketball team.

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