Quotes about fundraisers (16 Quotes)

    More than 60 percent of our funding comes from local individuals, churches, businesses, organizations and the Bucyrus Area United Way and 40 percent comes from grants and fundraisers that we hold. Also, while we are a nonprofit organization and do not charge the parents of our children who use the program, we do ask them to make a pledge. One mom gives us the change out of the bottom of her purse a few times a month and that is fine. We want any child who wants to attend the program to be able to and that is another concern about having to move. With the decent amount of room we have now, we still have 20 children on a waiting list. If we have less room at a new location, that will mean less children can attend. We do not want to see that happen.

    I had no fiduciary responsibility. I had no managerial responsibility. I and four other elected officials were on an advisory board. I went to five fundraisers, ... They did use my name to raise money, but that was the extent. So, I didn't know what they were doing.

    We get several requests for contributions each year from organizations in Twin Falls. We don't have enough money in the general fund to help everyone, so we use fundraisers like this to generate money.

    Neither Democrats nor Republicans would prohibit lobbyists from making campaign contributions, arranging fundraisers, bundling contributions from clients, or serving on members' fundraising committees. Second, neither proposes an independent ethics watchdog to audit disclosure reports from lawmakers, staff, and lobbyists and to conduct independent investigations of alleged violations.

    The quilts were signed by and often made by a group of people, usually as a presentation piece to give to someone who might be leaving the community, going out west. Some of them were made as fundraisers or to acknowledge the links between people. This is an old tradition, and it was a way for people to remember and acknowledge how they were connected together.

    The athletic department for the most part stands on its own. The parents and the fundraisers are a big part of what it takes to allow our athletes to do what they do, because it can be very expensive.

    We all learned the value of service to others. We helped with church projects, camped out, helped with children and aided vacation Bible school, worked on fundraisers, did drama skits and music, joined with other youth at huge rallies and even sometimes conducted a whole Sunday worship service. I want the youth here to do all of that and more. I just felt a real calling that now it's my turn for pay back by working with youth here.

    You get this image that they are taking money out of one pocket and giving it to a charity while they are taking money from lobbyist-sponsored fundraisers with the other hand.

    The governor's commitment is a really big thing for momentum. It also launches our major private fundraising drive. We've asked private fundraisers and foundations to wait for this announcement because it's accompanied by conceptual details of the first facility.

    It would certainly stand to reason he would be supportive of Chairman Pombo and his efforts on the Resources Committee. The chairman does have fundraisers, but these are scheduled and organized outside the Resources Committee.

    If you think it's been bad in the past, you wait and see what the parties start doing. Because now the only time a lobbyist can actually socialize, buy a drink, have a drink where the member's not picking it up is at campaign fundraisers.

    As a unit we have to try and find ways to make things come together. We try to have fundraisers and whatever money we raise, we save because every penny counts. We seem to always be scrapping the bottom of the barrel but the bottom line is that we want to make sure that we represent the country well, competing internationally,

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