Quotes about gainers (8 Quotes)

    I think what you're seeing today is a trend that you're going to continue to see through the end of the year a rotational shift out of some of the big tech gainers, particularly the semiconductors, as well as other small-caps, and into the less exciting stocks that haven't participated as much this year,

    Growth will continue in education and health, which have been the only steady gainers in this century. But it is now moving into business and professional services, which holds many of the highest-skilled jobs in the economy.

    The sell-off in the bond markets, not only here, but in global bonds, is scaring a lot of investors. At the same time, we are seeing a rotation from some of last year's bigger gainers, such as the energy companies, and people are just taking profits on those big names.

    We are seeing a continuation of this rotation process, with people selling some of the big tech and other gainers of the year, and putting money in sectors that still have room to gain, namely, industrials, metals, anything commodity-related,

    There is some concern with the strength of the economy going forward, ... and that's why you are seeing the economically sensitive names getting hit especially hard. What few gainers you see today are mostly in healthcare and other defensive sectors.

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