Quotes about game-breaker (6 Quotes)

    Larson was huge. He's been a game-breaker all year long. Nobody doubts what he can do when he comes to play. He's solid, big, takes up a lot of net space and he has some amazing reflexes. He has good rebound control and he knows how to make the clutch saves when they need to be made.

    He's a horse. He is a game-breaker. He may go 0-for-3, but you feel real good with him up there in the ninth. He's a very good outfielder, very accurate thrower. Runs a tad above average. He loves to play and is highly competitive.

    He's a great competitor. He's one of the best wide receivers in the game. He's a game-breaker. When you get the ball in his hands, he can take it to the house on any given play. He's a very exciting player to watch.

    (Lynch has) great vision, tremendous speed. You've got to make him run east and west, not north and south. He's a game-breaker kind of back, the kind of back you'd love to have on your team. He's a tremendous ballplayer.

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