Quotes about garages (14 Quotes)

    We've tricked up garages, so we're looking for a supplier to provide special doors. We'd go to 4,000 for a really great door.

    I did a series of classes in psychology (at the institute), ... The students that came to that class had children. And over a period of a few years, they decided they wanted a nursery school, a play group (to watch over their children while they were studying). So in one of the garages that was near where we were having the classes, we established a play group area and the students volunteered to supervise. That eventually led to building a state-licensed nursery school, which was approved by the California department of social welfare.

    The whole public benefits from the profit made by these garages. You have to look at them every year and look at all the calculations and make sure that you're not pricing yourself out.

    Now, this incident has many worrying about their safety in these downtown garages late at night.

    Clear Lake is ranked as one of the Top 3 best places for a boat community. Most people have two- and three-car garages, but here they will also have a two- or three-slip marina for their boats.

    If we do things to discourage the independent inventor, then we strike at the very heart of what this nation is about, ... Virtually every important invention you can think of was created by people working on their own in garages, basements and attics.

    Outside openings to attics, crawl spaces and similar locations should be sealed off so rats and squirrels cant get into houses, garages or other structures. Pet owners should make an extra effort to keep their domestic animals free of fleas and avoid leaving out pet food where it can attract wild animals.

    We hope that ultimately solar energy can be extensively used in the commercial sector as well as the private sector. Imagine solar cells installed in cars to absorb solar energy to replace the traditional use of diesel and gas. People will vie to park their cars on the top level of parking garages so their cars can be charged under sunlight. Using the same principle, cell phones can also be charged by solar energy. There are such a wide variety of applications.

    You could put a million guys in their garages working on these cars, and it still wouldn't make a noticeable dent in the nation's fuel supply. That said, these cars are still displacing some petroleum, though a tiny amount.

    What is dangerous is not minarets, but basements and garages that hide clandestine places of worship. Thus we must choose between mosques, where we know that the rules of the republic are respected, and secret places where extremism has been developing for too long,

    I love it, and it never ends. We used to be excited when a newspaper that no one had ever heard of called to do a piece on us, but now we are jaded. Now we want to know if it is local or national. If you look at The New York Times for Monday, Feb. 20, on the front page was a story of Americans redecorating their garages. It makes you wonder who decides what is important. This new media attention is restoring my faith in the press.

    There's a side of my personality that goes completely against the East Coast educated person and wants to be a pin-up girl in garages across America...there's a side that wants to wear the pink angora bikini

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