Quotes about gasp (16 Quotes)

    You can hear this gasp coming from the community at large, just a sense of disbelief. I think it's a wake-up call...that domestic violence affects every community that we know. There just isn't some magic way that some community is somehow immune.

    Postmodernism represents a moment of suspension before the batteries are recharged for the new millennium, an acknowledgment that preceding the future is a strange and hybrid interregnum that might be called the last gasp of the past.

    I heard a few people gasp. Then, Tom had this funny conversation with the beer like it was a breakup with an old girlfriend. It had the crowd just howling.

    We think that is a prelude to them all going in the next game. We try to focus on shooting percentages, not how many shots we miss, and we ended up shooting 37 percent. The reason people gasp for air is that they are point-blank misses. We can probably attribute that to nerves. We did substitute early, trying to get back in our normal breathing pattern.

    Its a point where we kind of step out as actors again. You can hear the audience gasp because they have waited all night to hear those first chords of Imagine and there is a space - and then it starts. It feels important.

    The majority of Latin actresses in Hollywood were always playing either spitfires or maids. Now here is a woman who comes in and does leads opposite white people and black people and other Spanish people, and she's comfortable in her skin Gasp How dare she

    Matilda told such dreadful lies, It made one gasp and stretch one's eyes Her aunt, who, from her earliest youth, Had kept a strict regard for truth, Attempted to believe Matilda The effort very nearly killed her.

    I did have a little sand flying, but I looked up and saw the first bounce, ... I thought that could be close. Then you can tell by the crowd you can hear them kind of gasp. So I saw it go in. I just didn't know what to do, didn't know what to think. I looked at my caddie and he said, 'Hey, good shot.' I've been four feet off the ground ever since.

    A treasure beyond price for fans of both the classic Hammett novel and the three (that's right, three) film versions of the doomed quest for a black bird. An incredible amalgam of photos, memos, letters, reviews, whatever, this will make fans of the book or the film gasp as one unexpected delight succeeds another. With this book, wonders really do never cease.

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