Quotes about gators (15 Quotes)

    We're just concentrating on playing for the Florida Gators, and being accountable for one another, and playing together. That's how you win games - playing for each other.

    The Gators were used to being in the SEC Championship Game. It was a school tradition. If they failed to reach those standards, they felt kind of useless and they didn't care about being here.

    We need second-year production out of a first-year offense. When is it going to become Chris Leak's offense That hasn't happened yet. I'm hoping that happens before game week, obviously. That's what we're trying to get done. When that happens, watch out, because the Gators are going to get you.

    I think it would be fitting if we could lift Suffredin and his posh Evanston home and drop it smack in the middle of New Orleans' flood-ravaged lower Ninth Ward, ... I can just see Larry now, sitting on his veranda, trying to fend off looters and 'gators with green tea and granola bars. Yes, it's a silly visualization, but it illustrates just how out of touch Larry Suffredin is with the world lying beyond his cobblestone street.

    Gator's been a big help to me over my 10 years here. It was an opportunity for me to come down to spring training and maybe help him out a little bit. At the same time, I thought it would be good for me. So here I am.

    I enjoyed about 25 minutes of that game. For that time we matched the intensity of the Florida Lady Gators. But at that time their energy stepped up - probably because of the mistakes we made - and they were consistent.

    We lost but I remember coming to the stadium, going into the locker room and coming out of the field like it was yesterday. It's something I'll never forget, to play as a kid on a field where the Gators and Bulldogs played.

    The last three teams (the Gators have) played, they've moved it on everybody. Big teams up front are giving us trouble. We need to be able to get a few more three-and-outs.

    As long as it can sustain me, I'll continue doing it, ... I like working with animals. I like teaching people. And I love the Everglades, and gators are a main part of the Everglades.

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