Quotes about generator (15 Quotes)

    Our research has shown that consumers will use technology to regain control over their entertainment, research, advertising choices, communication, and services, while multi-room DVR is a key revenue generator for the industry.

    Rick talks through the use of a computer generator, but his first words to me, 'I can,' highlight his ability to be normal and to fit in with a population that is disabled but still a part of humanity. The film shows clearly that he can overcome his disability if he can do all of this.

    We're getting some direction from the folks down there about what they're short of, ... Anybody that's bought a generator and feels like they can live without it, that's a definite need.

    Third Street Northwest sidewalks will connect Central Avenue West, West Bank Park and the 10th Street Bridge. Wal-Mart is along the way and it's a traffic generator.

    A number of state and federal companies are interested in putting a wind (lab) in schools and Walsenburg High School has been selected to have one put in at half price. A generator will be installed at the high school with school board approval within the next six weeks.

    Our generator is keeping all our refrigerated products in receiving at the correct temperatures, as well as a few lights and our registers. It's going to be a major impact (on business).

    In the second half of the 20th century our country launched the first artificial space satellite and sent the first man into space, built the first-ever passenger jet, the first nuclear reactor and the first quantum generator. Such a research potential cannot dissipate overnight no matter how adverse the circumstances.

    They did the very best they could and they were forced to abandon the building. It obviously wasn't safe. She called to say she fed all the animals one last time and put the remainder of their fuel in the generator and then they left.

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