Quotes about glaze (11 Quotes)

    That's the fastest I've seen (Glaze) pitch this year. She felt good, her change-up was in there once in a while and we've got a good defense. Overall, this was by far our best game of the year.

    The corporation 'loans' us an executive to work full time during the fund-raising campaign. This year, we were lucky enough to have Lori Glaze from State Farm. We usually only get them for 6 weeks, but we were lucky enough to have Lori for eight weeks. She did an amazing job.

    Glaze has done a nice job. She came on really well at the end last year. Her change-up is out of this world. I don't look for a lot of strikeouts. You just don't want walks, put the ball in play, and our defense is good enough.

    I don't see that rookie quarterback glaze in his eyes. I just don't. He's very confident. He knows where he wants to go with the football and most of the time he's right. He's handled it very well, and I think he's going to be as good as advertised.

    One of the really special things about the Potters Guild is that we are all very solitary artists. But when we have problems finding a new glaze or technique, we share it with each other. It's kind of like being in a university or school setting. The club certainly serves a social and educational function. We have a wonderful energy that a solitary potter often loses and finds it hard to keep.

    The weather is not a good excuse for not outperforming. One is always tempted to have their eyes glaze over when retailers talk about the weather but the (impact) is real.

    I have to tell you that I was kind of in a dream state that whole morning, ... I couldn't quite grasp that I was actually going to meet - good or bad, whether you like him or not - the leader of the free world. It's like your wedding day. You kind of glaze through it.

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