Quotes about gleneagles (8 Quotes)

    I doubt one of these guys from the G8 is on a quick 15-minute break at Gleneagles and sees Annie Lennox singing 'Sweet Dreams' and thinks ... 'She might have a point there, you know'

    Blair turned up the pressure at the recent G8 Summit held in Gleneagles, Scotland. Overshadowed by the terrorist attacks on the London transit system that occurred during the summit was Blair's continued call for the United States to do something about global warming. This time, he emphasized that he wasn't looking for the United States to join Kyoto per se, but to do something technological that would have an impact. What I am trying to do at the G8, ... is say 'America is not going to sign the Kyoto Treaty, let's leave that to one side.'

    We will be working to advance the debt relief agreement that was reached by the G-8 in Gleneagles to ensure that the debt cancellation is accompanied by real additional resources, ... We have been working with all the parties to move this forward. We are committed to getting it done, and we expect real progress at these meetings.

    This is not a time for timidity, ... Nor is it a time to fear reaching too high. This year, the year of the U.N. special summit as well as the year of Britain's G8 presidency in Gleneagles, is our chance to help reverse the fortunes of a continent, and it is our opportunity to help transform the lives of millions.

    Speaking Thursday evening from London before he returned to Gleneagles, Blair echoed the post-Sept. 11 words of Bush. We will show through our spirit and dignity that our values will long outlast theirs, ... The purpose of terrorism is just that -- to ter

    The international community has now started to worry about these issues in a more robust way. Last summer the G8 meeting at Gleneagles put climate change on the agenda as a major international problem that has to be solved. This summer, the Russians are going to be leading the thinking about energy security as part of their initiative under the G8.

    The truth is we're not even close to meeting the MDGs. Conditions in sub-Saharan Africa are worse now than they were a decade ago. The outcome of the summit hangs in the balance. Tony Blair and G8 leaders promised action for Africa at Gleneagles. They must now deliver.

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