Quotes about goaltending (16 Quotes)

    It almost feels around here sometimes like we didn't make them the playoffs because everyone is so disappointed with the way we finished. I still say it's an accomplishment to make the playoffs in the NHL, but we're not sitting here saying we are satisfied. But there are 14 other teams that battled down to the wire and didn't make it who probably wish they were in our position. We have something to build on. We have the same group of forwards, the goaltending is the same, three or four D, the same coaching staff, so hopefully we can build on that.

    With the new rules we think our team can benefit from that, we have good agility and good skating, ... People are going to question our goaltending a little bit just because of the lack of NHL experience but we feel good about both young guys and think they're ready. So we certainly feel we're a playoff team.

    I think their team was designed for clutch-and-grab, tight defence and good goaltending. I don't think Paul Kariya will be the answer by scoring enough goals to make a difference. In 2004, they made the playoffs for the first time and a lot of it was their goaltender. Can he be as good night after night after night I don't think so.

    I've said it before You're not going to win in this league with average or below-average goaltending. Tonight it was below average. But Crawford was awesome for a kid that was thrown in there.

    Obviously, the big issue is we're not winning any gosh darn games. It's gnawing at us as a team and a coaching staff. I don't like to be a coach that talks about playing well if we're not winning, but we've got goaltending that put us in position to win both games. The plain clear thing is that we've lost the scoring touch.

    We've had some off years but not very many and we've had many, many years where we've had guys you can absolutely depend upon in being if not the star of the team, a solid part of the team. It's just so important. They say 70 percent of baseball is pitching then 80 percent of hockey is goaltending.

    Al is one of the top goaltending prospects in hockey and we are extremely pleased to have signed him, ... We feel this will be a big step for Al in advancing his development. He has been working extremely hard this summer and we are looking forward to seeing him on the ice at training camp in September.

    Chris is coming to camp with a lot to prove, ... He's healthy and he wasn't quite right when we got him last year. He's been fine. He got off to a good start and played well. I can't talk about those things interest in Joseph, because I don't know. We're happy with our goaltending. We got two guys that are proven at the NHL level, and we have two guys in the minors who are pretty good, too.

    Our goaltending has been average and that's maybe been generous. With Adam, even in the minors last year he played very well -- he put us in the playoffs -- but there was no in-between. He was either outstanding or awful. There was no middle ground.

    I think young John is doing things right for the Maple Leafs, ... At times he will ask me for my opinion, but will not necessarily follow my advice. He is his own man. He knows well that you build a team from the goaltender out. Once you have the goaltending situation solved, then you can begin to worry about the rest of the team.

    We needed one win down there and, fortunately, we got it. Now it's just a matter of being consistent and taking care of business. We're in the driver's seat schedule-wise. We can't take any team lightly. And we're going to need solid goaltending.

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