Quotes about gomez (13 Quotes)

    There was one where Gomez was on a Trapeze hanging by the legs upside down. I remember how much the backs of my knees would hurt until I got used to it. It was hard.

    He laid down the law. He was like, 'We have to make this kind of a Gomez record are you in or are you out The songs are gonna be about the vocals and the harmonies.' And he never swayed away from that line. ... He kept stopping us from throwing in all the whistles and bells, as he would always call it.

    The feedback that I get from my association with Gomez is heartwarming. It is very difficult for me to take anything but a positive view of the Gomez phenomenon.

    I wanted to get a checking line out against the Scott Gomez line. I thought that if I could do that, we could probably play our first two lines and maybe manufacture some offense.

    Gomez had a perfect night. Their inside players played really well. They are bigger than we are across the board and we didn't respond by playing harder or going to the basket stronger.

    Where were they when Mr. and Mrs. Gomez or Mr. and Mrs. Garcia were being charged 40 to wire 100 Where were they when the mortgage companies were charging folks the maximum allowable interest that the laws provide for Where were they when people were havi

    My hat goes off to David Gomez and Quincy Davis, both of whom kept fighting the last 20 minutes of the ball game. I thought that our guys were great teammates tonight. ... In order for us to continue to win, we need David and Quincy to play the way they did in the second half.

    My first foray into Evan's late-career albums, and it's even better than I had hoped for. Eddie Gomez on bass, and Evans even plays electric piano on a couple of bonus tracks. But the real meat is the original album. It's heading where it needs to be, but there are moments of surprisingly upbeat swinging, as well - and a nice take on 'Theme From MASH' ('Suicide Is Painless'). Once you've gone through the original trio recordings, you're going to be hooked for all you can get by Evans.

    My whole plan today was getting in on hitters. I went inside on the first pitch and (Gomez) looked a little weak against it, so I went back in. Obviously, I got too far in.

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