Quotes about good-faith (16 Quotes)

    Despite a good-faith effort by the Bush administration to provide Senate Democrats with all relevant information on the nomination, critics continue to expand the scope of their demands, and then cavil loudly about the administration's 'secrecy' and 'refusals' when the goal posts are moved,

    We thank teachers for their dedication and commitment and negotiating teams for good-faith efforts at reaching a tentative agreement. The new agreement, once ratified, will be a win-win for all involved.

    Because we feel there was a good-faith argument to make that the statute as written was constitutional, we feel we have an obligation to make that argument if at all possible.

    The conditions are less important than the fact that there are good-faith discussions going on about resuming full-bore talks on a national unity government.

    All a provision for inherently safer technologies asks industry to do is to put enough good-faith effort and planning to look for safer alternatives wherever possible. Industry has said they've done that already ... but time and time again we find bad actors out there that are using known dangerous technologies when there are safer, viable alternatives.

    Negotiators were prepared to discuss that issue today, but Sikorsky would rather play games than engage in good-faith bargaining that would get people back to work.

    Continued good-faith negotiation will result in solving the problems in a way that will be acceptable to a vast majority of this body and will not in any way diminish the ability of our law enforcement and intelligence organizations to do their job.

    In the midst of the road map process, when each party should be making good-faith confidence-building gestures, the barrier's construction in the West Bank cannot, in this regard, be seen as anything but a deeply counterproductive act,

    The trial court has already said it's a good-faith mistake. I think the Court of Appeals is not going to get involved in this. I think everybody realizes Harris County got hoodwinked as much as the defense did with Park Dietz's testimony.

    Sikorsky officials erroneously believe that negotiations mean we must accept their inferior and unacceptable contract offer. What is missing from the company's position is the normal give and take that occurs during good-faith bargaining.

    The amount of time is less important than the good-faith effort that will be needed in improving the Patriot Act to strike the right balance in respecting Americans liberty and privacy, while protecting their security.

    If you put in a good-faith effort, I'll be here to defend you, ... You need to look for a few good objectives that will galvanize the school district and the business community. You can take this from a good district to a great district.

    Our patience is not eternal, and if we don't start seeing some results of these discussions, some good-faith efforts on the part of the enemy, we are prepared to end the suspension of offensive operations and resume them,

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