Quotes about gouged (9 Quotes)

    Gill also related how, in a fit of anger against Gibson, Monroe took a pocketknife and gouged out the company's nameplate. That's the beauty of this mandolin, ... It's the Holy Grail. Most musicians think it's in the New Testament. And it ought to be.

    Even if gas prices fall, consumers will continue to be gouged at the pump the only thing that we can be sure rises faster that the price of gasoline is the skyrocketing profits of oil companies.

    I think the big story of Christmas will be this shift in consumer attitudes where people felt that stores gouged them with their pricing strategy. The 30 to 40 percent discounts this year instead of the 50 to 70 percent off last year will help profits but will hurt customer loyalty in the long term.

    Noble has made a billion dollars in profits since 2000, but it doesn't pay its fair share in taxes. Taxpayers are being gouged at both ends of this deal. Noble is getting rich off high energy prices, while the Department of Energy is giving away taxpayers' hard-earned dollars in the form of an unnecessary grant.

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