Quotes about gouging (15 Quotes)

    The thing that is eerily reminiscent about all this is you have exactly the same conditions as you had, unfortunately, in America in September. A clear, blue sky, beautiful, spring-like conditions and many, many people out and about. And suddenly, this bizarre sight of this huge building with a gouging wound in the side of it.

    It just keeps going up and up and up, ... I know there's a hurricane that's happened, and the oil platforms can't produce the oil. But my own belief, no way of proving it, I just think the oil companies are gouging us.

    If the federal government in Washington has concluded that there are not shortages of gasoline, then it clearly is an example of big oil companies' price gouging. The Bush Administration and the FTC should immediately identify the companies that are profiting off of this disaster,

    If oil companies make excessive profits, they should be subjected to a stiff tax on those excessive profits. The threat of heavy taxation will send a clear signal to oil companies that price gouging simply will not pay,

    High hotel rates that border on price gouging are the single biggest issue that I hear retailers complaining about, and they usually use the word 'abuse' in their complaint,

    The Attorney General should make clear that if oil companies raise wholesale gasoline prices without cause then the companies will be prosecuted for gouging consumers at the pump since station owners have very little choice over how much they can charge,

    First of all, I'm in favor of making price gouging a crime, and in fact, one the reasons I didn't vote for the Republican House version was because there were too many breaks for the oil companies.

    It's very clear to us that gas prices need to be regulated. We really need to step back and recognize that like electricity, gasoline is too vital to the economy to be left in the hands of these corporations that have been gouging us.

    The Federal Trade Commission is not specifically subject to the jurisdiction of this Committee, but any oil company that is price gouging will find themselves in those witness chairs where they will be made accountable,

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