Quotes about gov (16 Quotes)

    I thought that Gov. Bush's attack on Al Gore, his character and credibility, was very unfair and not what the campaign should be about. In moments of desperation, Gov. Bush turned back to attack President Clinton. His name is not on the ballot, its Al Gore and me against George Bush and Dick Cheney.

    The review was prompted by a couple of things, ... Gov. Riley inherited the eligibility policy from the previous administration. The governor felt it was time to review those policies and eligibility. Secondly, the review was prompted by reports of escapes.

    After 16 months of teaching, consulting, fellowship, and special project activities on matters ranging from conservation to healthcare to international trade, Gov. Ventura appointed me to the Minnesota Court of Appeals.

    We know perfectly well that Gov. Blagojevich will protect that right. There's just no doubt. He's there, and he's going to protect that right, and he's going to make sure that women don't have to resort back to the battle days of illegal and unsafe abortion.

    Other Republicans echoed Specter's dismay. I am disappointed that Gov. William Weld did not receive a hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, ... The advice and consent procedure provided by our Constitution strongly suggests that many Senators will want to question a presidential nominee and that the nominee will have an opportunity to respond to public questions and criticism.

    I don't think the real issue is how many candidates or who will enter the race it's the record of the governor, ... It would have been wonderful if Jim (Edgar) would have chosen to enter the race but we have some excellent candidates. People have lost confidence in Gov. Blagojevich and his ability to be effective. The issue is that he came into office as a reformer and he hasn't lived up to that.

    I hope that our next meeting will not nearly attract as much attention as this one did, and I look forward to further discussion with Gov. Bush and being present when he is inaugurated as the next president of the United States.

    When these voters are introduced to Gov. George W. Bush's positions on family planning and abortion, they move solidly against him, ... George Bush sees compassionate conservatives as his strength. We believe they are his Achilles' heel.

    Gov. Rell is dead serious when she said job creation and job retention has been at the top of her priority list since she took office. And the 28,000 jobs that the state has added in the last two years reflects that attention and effort.

    When (former Gov. George Ryan's) administration tried to roll back the sales tax, it just went into the pockets of refiners and retailers and had no effect on prices.

    We had to try to do something to get their (BNSF's) attention, ... Filing a lawsuit was about the only vehicle left at our disposal to utilize. We tried talking and met with them and (had) Gov. Vilsack here, and I believe they were well aware that the state of Iowa was willing to do anything within reason to try to keep that facility (West Burlington shops) open and operating. It was to no avail.

    We are aware of the concerns of Mr. Wilson and Gov. Pataki. In the months ahead, we'll be spending a great deal of time with our clubs, ensuring the extended collective bargaining agreement and the related revenue-sharing arrangements work for all 32 teams.

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