Quotes about greenland (15 Quotes)

    There were and still are indications that a high pressure building over Greenland is going to expand and force cold air to be pushed back over New England and The Midwest. However, it is appears to be slower in development than originally anticipated. So the moderate weather could continue for another week or two.

    We just committed too many errors against a good team. Give Greenland credit, they were able to take advantage of it. Every team has one of these days and I guess we were due for one.

    We played our worst half since I've known these seniors. I've coached them since third grade and I challenged those seniors at halftime. Greenland basketball is about tradition and they see that each day with the banners on the gym wall.

    The melting of ice at the edges of the ice sheet is also increasing, which causes the ice to flow faster. A race is going on in Greenland between these competing forces of snow build-up in the interior and ice loss on the edges. But we don't know how long they will be approximately in balance with each other or if that balance has already tipped in favor of the recently accelerating outflow from glaciers.

    This study supports what we've been learning about the Greenland ice sheet, which is that it will completely melt within 500 to 1,000 years. Our new analysis of the ancient Scandinavian Ice Sheet, like other studies, is showing how these events unfolded in the past, which will help us better understand what the future will hold.

    We are seeing signs of significant change in the Arctic with mountain glaciers retreating, snow cover disappearing, the Greenland ice sheet thinning and Arctic sea ice cover declining. There is no time to lose - we need to take drastic action now to combat climate change.

    These findings call into question predictions of the future of Greenland in a warmer climate from computer models that do not include variations in glacier flow as a component of change. Actual changes will likely be much larger than predicted by these models.

    The girls here in Greenland have to believe there's another sport in town, and that's girl's softball. We're not bad, but when we play experienced teams like that we've got to play at the top of our game.

    The mass loss resulting from this glacier acceleration in Greenland is very significant. These are very active glaciers. They all end up in the ocean, discharge icebergs and are very dynamic. One you push them a little bit out of equilibrium, they start retreating very fast.

    Greenland was perceived as this huge solid place that would never melt. The evidence is now so strong that the scientific community is convinced that global warming is the cause.

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