Quotes about grindstone (13 Quotes)

    It's discouraging. Whatever happened to the concept that you work hard and keep your nose to the grindstone, then you'll get ahead There's just so many people that this doesn't apply to anymore.

    I've definitely learned what patience is all about, ... It's tough, but I'm in the best situation I can be in. I just need to keep my nose to the grindstone, keep working hard, and it'll happen sooner or later.

    We're 15 weeks into a 17-week season, and nothing has been decided yet. These guys have heard me say since June that this is going 17 weeks, and that's what it's going to do. It doesn't matter what you did today. If you won, enjoy it, but then it's back to the grindstone tomorrow. That's where the AFC is at this year.

    Someone receives a promotion, gets an important assignment, makes a major discovery, or moves into the president's office. ''He's lucky',' an envious person remarks. ''He gets the breaks they're always in his favor'.' In reality, luck or the breaks of life had little or nothing to do with it. So-called ''luck'' usually is found at the exact point where preparation meets opportunity. For a time, an individual may get ahead by ''pull',' but eventually someone with push will displace him. Success is not due to a fortuitous concourse of stars at our birth, but to a steady trail of sparks from the grindstone of hard work each day.

    Being a champion can become a habit. So let's establish that thing and see what it feels like to become a champion. Let's really put our nose to the grindstone, let's work at this and let's really put a lot of energy into winning this tournament.

    There's only so many roster spots on the team, ... and they want players who can help, and with me being injured that's not helping out. So there's pressure to get back and I want to play. I want to get out there. It's tough. My wife's been good she keeps me grounded and we just pray a lot and know that everything works out for a reason and happens for a reason. So you just keep your nose to the grindstone and hope it gets better.

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