Quotes about grinnell (5 Quotes)

    We wanted to win two of the three games we were playing this week, and we'd have had a better chance of doing that by forfeiting to Grinnell. We wasted two days not practicing Knox basketball, so I made the decision yesterday that when this game was over, we were going to get out there and run our offense.

    Grinnell is the powerhouse of our conference. We played four freshmen in the lineup and one senior with very limited singles experience. It was a beautiful day for tennis and I hope our student body keeps showing up to support our team because our guys really do appreciate it. We gave 120 percent effort and as a coach that is all I can ask.

    What we know, ... is that two hikers on the Grinnell Glacier Trail, at about 10 a. m., had a close encounter with a sow grizzly bear and two cubs. They did sustain bear bites, they dropped and rolled to avoid the attack, and they fell 30 feet down an embankment.

    In the first 51 seconds (of the fourth quarter) we had those turnovers and (their lead) went from six to (14). That was the big difference. You can't give a team like Grinnell extra possessions, and we gave them too many tonight.

    Two years ago when we played Grinnell in the semis, a lot of our main guys had to play 32, 30, 28 minutes. Tonight we were able to keep those guys in the 21, 22 (minute) range.

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