Quotes about guangdong (7 Quotes)

    Citigroup is a latecomer to China's banking industry and it has catching up to do. It makes more sense for Citigroup to explore other options, such as taking stakes in Guangdong Bank, which also has a national distribution network, to help them expand.

    This situation is not yet a serious public health threat, but if you compare this one with the two laboratory-acquired cases in Taiwan and Singapore, and also if you compare this one with the four SARS cases (in Guangdong, China) which happened during the first part of this year ... the situation needs more attention,

    We start at a market somewhere in Guangdong Province in China. And it's packed with cages, and you'll have chickens, and you'll have ducks. You might have some other animals -- cats, dogs, turtles, snakes -- and they're all stacked in cages, and they're all spreading their germs to each other.

    The government has taken urgent measures, and the insufficient supply in southern Guangdong Province will soon be alleviated.

    At the business conference, we will highlight to US companies the unique business opportunities that Hong Kong and Guangdong together will present to them,

    The limited coverage of forest in the upper reaches of the river results from financial shortages, thus Guangdong should give financial support, as it will also benefit.

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